Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Missing the Simple Things in Life

I was inspired to write today by The Pioneer Woman. I had heard about her cookbook from my classmates and in searching around the internet about the book, I came across her website. I read a few blog entries of hers and throughly enjoyed reading about her not too terribly exciting life. I experienced a bit of escapism in that her life seems so NORMAL! I wish mine involved more friends, family and spouse/fiance like hers does and much less school work.

I ran across a quote several months ago that seems to fit well here. "To get what we've never had, we must do what we've never done." I have no idea who said that, but I can definitely tell you that I am doing just that. I've never had nor tried to obtain a doctorate before, (And do not intend to ever try again!) and that I have definitely never sacrificed so much of my time just living life as it should be before either. By that I mean I see my family once a week for about an hour at lunch, I talk with Greg a few times a week on the phone and hopefully once a month in person. My poor friends have probably suffered the most; not only have I removed myself from Facebook-- my main line of communication-- my school work keeps me locked up in my room pouring over my notes most nights when they are out having fun. I hardly ever get to go to church anymore. Its not because I'm too lazy to get up in the morning on a Sunday. I am up plenty early, but I'm up to tackle assignments and research.

My family tells me that I won't be sorry I pursued my doctorate once I'm finished, but living beside and not with the people I love is no fun. I'm tired of it. Flat out disgusted with it, actually.

I've got one test this week-- Thursday, which I should probably be studying for now-- then finals all next week. No rest for the weary though; I'm moving that weekend to my first clinical rotation "home." That should bring some relief though; I'll be putting myself back on Facebook then. In addition, just being in a different location will be wonderful. I think of myself as an adventure seeker-- anything new or different makes me happy. Besides that, I won't sit in a chair being drilled for eight hours a day. I'll get to at least be standing and moving about, not to mention working with people and not just books and facts! People always make life more adventuresome.

Nine more days... I can do this! I will do this!

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