Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Learning a "New" Language

I should be in bed right now, but I'm really excited!

Last fall I found a Groupon for half off an online Spanish course that includes practice listening and speaking, which is what I desperately needed to work on. The Groupon was for a 2 month membership. I purchased it and joined the website. I felt like I gained some good ground in the listening and speaking arenas with it and was truly was a little sad when my membership expired.

Fast forward to today. I logged back onto the website to see if just maybe by some miracle it hadn't really expired. No such luck. However, I did learn that by leaving comments on English learners' writing and speaking lessons in English, I can earn "tokens" toward my own lessons! Specifically, if I comment on 2-3 others' lessons, I have a free lesson for myself! Woo hoo! I can do that easily!

So I just clicked around there for like 30 minutes leaving hopefully helpful comments to assist other learners' English skills and have earned myself a couple free lessons.

If any other language learners out there might be interested, the website is called LiveMocha. They also have completely free stuff for vocab and grammar practice, kind of similar in structure to an actual class according to them. I haven't done those, so I can't speak from experience. The paid/earned as mentioned above stuff is more conversational skills. They offer the basic free stuff in like 30 something languages and the paid stuff in the like 5 or 6 big international languages.

And just for the Spanish learners out there, I'm trying out the method mentioned on another website about Spanish language fluency called Spanish Only. Have been reading the blog for a while and have done and slacked off on my Anki decks. Trying to pick them back up again. Anyway... they have recently launched a new website which would also allow the English speaker to give back and help out others attempting to learn English. They're doing a site where they link to a short youtube video and provide an exact translation of the video in English. They're asking English speakers to help out by providing translations of your favorite youtube clips.

An exciting day in the language learning world!

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