Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Old Navy on Crowdtap

Guess who just picked up this little beauty of dress for completely FREE? Yes, you read correctly, FREE and that would be me.

I went to Old Navy today and got to pick any dress in the store I wanted for nada.

Want to know how I scored it?

I take surveys at Crowdtap. Occasionally the surveys include trying out products and rating them (or writing a blog post about them 0:-) ). Then I get to keep the stuff. It's a sweet deal. Not going to lie. Doesn't cost me a dime and I get to tell my favorite brands and companies how much they rock... or not. lol. Join me!

P.S. Old Navy has plenty of cute fall dresses to choose from! Take a peek!

P.P.S. Also, I was pleasantly surprised at my Old Navy trip. I haven't shopped for myself there in a long time. The past few years, Old Navy stores have seemed under staffed to me-- usually one person at the register and one wandering the floor, resulting in piles and piles of unfolded and misplaced clothing all over the store. This made it very difficult to shop as I could never just go to a section and find what I wanted. Today everything was well stocked and neat. There was a greeter at the door, several helpful people on the floor and multiple cashiers. And that was on a Tuesday at lunch time! Anyway, you might find me back at Old Navy more often! And that's totally unsolicited.

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