Monday, November 26, 2012

On Angels' Wings

See the boy next to Donald there? I can't say I've ever met him, except through his dad's entries at his CaringBridge website. But I must say that this boy and the family as a whole are quite the inspiration.

Rex has been fighting brain cancer for two years from his home in my home town. He fought the good fight and finally finished his race yesterday evening.

So here I sit, blubbering for a family I don't know except through mutual friends and the website. But it makes me ask God what He's up to with this. I mean, I'm pretty sure little 10 year old boys dying of cancer isn't part of His grand plan, but I know He will be using this little life as a testimony. Rex's life, after all, has been quite blessed-- blessed by a wonderful family and friends, blessed to inspire faith in others. I think that's a pretty full life, particularly considering the length!

I hope I can count myself so blessed when my race is completed.

Anyway, if you need a faith boost-- no matter where you are on your personal spiritual journey-- visit their CaringBridge site. Read the journal. Start from the beginning. Really, it's worth it.

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