Sunday, November 25, 2012

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: A Book Review

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2)Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Again, not my first time reading this. I had forgotten how much the book and the movie differ. (Please recall again, that when the first half of this series came out, I was still in the "modern-books-are-crap" phase and so didn't read this one until way later... college probably. Actually I didn't even start on the movie bandwagon until... the fourth one, I think.) And actually, I think the movie does some of the subtleties better than the book does. Like in the end how Dobby gets the sock from Mr. Malfoy. It seems more natural in the movie. It's not really believable to me that sly, cunning Mr. Malfoy would accidentally toss the sock to Dobby, even if he was enraged at the moment. Then the dialogue between Tom and Harry in the Chamber... I felt like I was yelling at Harry halfway through, "OMG, HARRY! IT'S VOLDEMORT!!!!" And Harry just didn't "get" it. Again, perhaps that's because I had watched the movie and read the book before. I did note something in this book for the first time this read though. This is the first time Dumbledore mentions that perhaps Voldemort accidentally left a bit of himself inside Harry when he tried to kill him. Interesting. Anyway, this book is still very good, but I feel it is the least brilliant of the HP series.

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