Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Multi-Book Review

     I hadn't been posting my book reviews here recently, because somehow in the last update on Facebook they were automatically going there. And I have basically no blog followers other that Facebook friends, so why bother y'all with my reviews multiple times. After all, I know the book lovers in my friends list are few and far between. (Jeez, aren't I just Negative Nancy today? I'm really just being Realistic Rachel, I swear!) But anyway, I noticed it's no longer doing that, so here's the reviews of the last several books I've read in chronological order. (Because now I'm Organized Ofelia. :-) )

     I read books 1-4 of the Song of Ice and Fire series earlier in the year. I think everyone that's interested has seen those reviews. If you haven't, just click the link at the bottom of any of the following reviews and you'll be able to find it. So that's where I'll start, because I don't really know when the automatic update to Facebook stopped.

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Harry Potter, #1)Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Read this to improve my Spanish. Loved it in English. Reading it another language was almost like reading it again for the very first time. Lovely adventure as always. :-)

View all my reviews

Biblia Para Ninos Historias de Jesus/The Jesus Storybook Bible: Cada Historia Susurra su Nombre/Every Story Whispers His NameBiblia Para Ninos Historias de Jesus/The Jesus Storybook Bible: Cada Historia Susurra su Nombre/Every Story Whispers His Name by Sally Lloyd-Jones
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Picked this up so I could continue to read "the Bible" on a daily basis while practicing my Spanish. I love the way the stories are presented as a whole, continuous story of God's love for His people, instead of just a bunch of individual stories. That cohesiveness was definitely missing in my upbringing in the church. I'd read this to/with my child.

View all my reviews

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Read it as part of a book club, but had been meaning to read it. This book was a little strange and hard to follow sometimes. Hard to tell what was real and not real, but I think that is part of why the book is popular... or on some people's "classics" list. If you're interested in bizarre reads, or World War II, I'd recommend this one. 

This little book was handed out free at our church several weeks ago. It's really short and "recommended" reading for new members at our church, so I gave it a go. Even though it kind of has a mother's wagging finger's tone about it, the book does hit the nail on the head. Can't say how many countless examples of incorrect membership attitudes I could come up with while reading this. Plan on giving it away as I can think of several people I know struggling with issues which this little books covers. Good quick read for a short road trip.  

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I always love books that are written in the first person and with that characters accents... particularly Southern accents. Makes me feel right at home. The book was sad throughout, but definitely had a redeeming end, not exactly happily ever after, but close enough. The only thing that bothered was everyone getting really philosophical in the end. That felt a little out of character for the characters, but necessary to wrap up the story line. 

     Ok, that's it. A couple short and sweet reviews. 

1 comment:

  1. I think I need to improve my Spanish too! Thanks for these ideas about reading!
