Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Educational Finance Woes

3 tests, 3.5 hours of class and 9 days until I'm done with my undergrad. Hooray!

I've spent a good part of today trying to figure out how to pay for grad school. I've been approved for one government grant and two loans. One of the loans is unsubsidized which I learned today means that I would be paying interest on it while I was in school. If I have no money to pay for school how is it they figure I can pay interest while going to school? Work? Ha. HAHAHAHAHA. That's a funny one. I would like to see them fit in work between class from 8-5 everyday and studying from 6-11pm. I would love to see that trick. Last I checked it does not rain money... actually it does not rain any of the typical water around here either. (It has been horribly overcast and humid for the past two days and not one rain drop has fallen on my head. I hate it when the weather teases like that!) Back to my money issues though... so I am thinking the unsubsidized is not the way to go for me. I am not sure how I will cover what remains after the grant and subsidized loan. I have a little money saved up which would probably cover what is lacking for the fall and spring of this school year, but I was really hoping to put that toward the wedding. My bank does not give out student loans anymore because Mr. Obama has seen fit to push banks out of competition with the government in the student loan department. Ok... but the government loans will not pay for it all. *shakes fist in anger*

Just to kick a dog when she's down, I got a letter from the board of one of the scholarships I applied for today. I stopped reading after the first phrase of the first sentence which read, "We regret to inform you..." That went straight to the shred bin. I mean good gravy!!! How much more of a sob story can you find than mine? I am broke! I guess they must have a kid with no parents, that lives in a box under their local bridge and only one arm write in to ask for assistance... several of them. Curious. But then again, maybe they do not give awards to grad students. I find that is the case with a lot of scholarships I looked at. This particular one did not state so on their application however. *sigh* Money-- or rather the lack there of-- bites.

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