Friday, April 17, 2009

Nothing to Fear but Mediocrity

Read this article by Gary Shaprio. I promise you won't be disappointed.

What he said.

He's right. I have sat silent about the mess Mr. Obama and friends are making because I have been stunned into silence. Thank you Mr. Shaprio for putting my thoughts and fears into words. The only positive thing I have heard come out of this presidency so far is that Mr. Obama would like to get a bullet train system in the U.S. like they have in Europe. Heard that today and only in a quick snipet. The rest reaks of socialistic ideals. (The link there is to another article on what it is that Mr. Obama has done in his first 100 days in office. Another interesting read.)

Socialism reaps no benefits because no one is rewarded monetarily for acheiving great things. Say Mr. A and Mr. B perform the same job but Mr. A does the work better-- more efficiently, with a warm smile on his face, with more precision, stays late when necessary to complete a task. Mr. A and Mr. B get paid the exact same amount. Why would Mr. A continue as he is if he is not compensated for a job well done? Mr. A would probably scale back his efforts since there is no reward for being excellent. Socialism breeds mediocrity. I pray that is not where our country goes. People aren't perfect and most definitely are greedy; greed makes the world go 'round. Stop feeding the greed like in any Utopia and the world stops.

Capitalism on the other hand works because of competition. Everyone is always trying to "keep up with the Joneses" and in so doing push themselves to do better work and provide better services for customers-- us-- so they can achieve their interpretation of the American dream. Capitalism isn't for sissies, that's for sure. It's a hard road, but one much more fulfilling in the end. What would be the spice of life if we had everything we wanted handed to us without working to achieve our goal?

Keep our country, our president, Congress and other leaders in your prayers. Pray they will continue to drive our nation as it has successfully been driven for over two centuries, with capitalism.

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