Wednesday, April 15, 2009

End of the Day Thoughts

As I prepare to go to bed several thoughts are running through my head. I feel that perhaps if I write them down, they will leave me alone and let me relax. Perhaps they are the products of a frazzeled mind. (I've been studying ALL evening, cramming for another test.)

I am currently using a dirty sock as a coaster. Why do you ask? I have no idea.

I need to start gathering boxes. I'm moving in about three weeks. I will be so glad to leave this apartment behind. I'm currently sharing less than a thousand square feet with three other people. Needless to say, my room is about the size of a shoebox. I will miss the price tag.

I haven't gone dancing in a long time. I need to fix that. I like to go out to this teeny tiny town in the middle of nowhere that hosts a dance in the old school gym every Friday night. It's family oriented and snacks are provided for a very reasonable fee. I like to dance with Greg. :-)

I finally found my glasses today! They've been missing for about a month now. They were hiding in a fold in my sheet on the side of the bed that is up against the wall. I can be lazy and not wear my contacts everyday again! Yea!

I haven't been walking in about two weeks.
Shame on me. I've been trying to walk a couple miles extra everyday so I won't have to adjust so much on the trail. That will change next week, since we won't have tennis on the weekends for several weeks, that is if we win. If we don't, no more tennis... for a very long time for me.

Did my laundry. Still haven't put my sheets back on my bed. Need to do that. And put the laundry away. I have a bad habit of leaving the clean stuff in the basket and letting the dirty stuff pile up around the room.

Still need to study some more.

I think my brain is empty of thoughts for now. To the bat-shower!

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