Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I lied. My old blog host wasn't sold. In the fiasco though, I've decided I like this host better so I'm staying here. I wish I could find a way to back post so I could bring some of my better old posts with me. At least I'll have a chance to save a few to my hard drive if I want! I can think of a couple already.

Not much going on today. Took a huge test this morning and am currently procrastinating away studying for the one I have tomorrow. Will go to tennis practice in about an hour and a half. Have to do laundry today too, because the basket is over flowing.

Greg's starting his new job as I type. He's on the editorial board at the local newspaper. Today he's interviewing a man who's running for the local city council. I'm so excited about this opportunity for Greg because all he wants in a career is to be paid to write and this is definitely a step in the right direction. I wish I could write like Greg. I hope he reads this too and perhaps one day understand just how gifted he is. Is it in there yet, Thick Skull? ;-)

Yesterday I learned that another girl on campus is going to work at the same camp I am over summer! I am ecstatic for that because I have someone to be exited about the job with now! Thus far, I've hated even mentioning it to people because this camp sounds like so much fun that I feel like I'm rubbing it in that I have an awesome summer job. I hope I feel like that about my more permanent jobs down the road too. :-)

Well, I need to go eat lunch. Have a wonderful day!

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