Saturday, August 22, 2009

Time Warp Limbo

Well, I've been home for about a week and a half now. I've moved into my new apartment with one of my besties, Kassia, and am just thrilled with it! I'm now only sharing my place with one other person, not three which is amazing! I am actually alone on occasion, but not always. (I don't like living by myself either.) There's way more storage space for my own food, dishes, cooking supplies and clothes too! I have my very own ginormo walk-in closet and MY OWN BATHROOM!!! I have NEVER had my own bathroom before in my whole life and I am loving it! The only thing lacking is that I want a lamp for my bathroom, a way too expensive alarm clock that I won't get until Christmas if I get it at all-- Click here to see the clock-- I have yet to hang my diplomas and I am also trying to patiently await my decor from my beautiful and talented sister, Bridget. I have commissioned her to take some black and white photos of landmarks that are representative of my hometown. She has started on it, but you can never rush art.

It is really odd being on campus and in the same apartment complex I have been in for two years prior to this one knowing that I don't really know anyone on campus anymore. Most have graduated, save the few lucky fifth year seniors and the younger people on my tennis team. I've still got Kassia here and a few others from my core of friends, but about two-thirds have moved on. And of course I've got Greg. I am so glad to have him back! I nearly went crazy over the summer without him! I wish we had more time to spend together before school starts back up. He starts on Monday and my orientation starts Wednesday and class next Monday.

I've been working madly on this workbook that will be due in late September. It is a pain in the butt because it is all busy work about charting. A most necessary skill to have and I doubt I could learn it any other way besides just doing it, but still... yuck. I decided yesterday to just put it away until school starts because once school starts it will not be over until it is completely done. The physical therapy program I'm starting next week has two weeks off in May, another two in August and a month at Christmas and that is it for vacation, my friends, that is it. All of that to say I am going to take these last few days and spend as much time as possible with Greg and have some good old fashioned fun! Meaning anything that doesn't involve school work. 

Perhaps I'll go shopping! I've been avoiding all shopping areas since I arrived home. The first weekend I was home the freshman were moving into the three universities in town and swarming all the shopping centers. Then this past week, all the freshman were still settling in with the addition of other students beginning to trickle in, culminating into today and tomorrow. Not to mention Texas' Tax Free Weekend started yesterday and so all the school age children's money savvy moms are out in force to save 8% on school clothes and supplies. I don't care to get accidently shoved into a fist fight between two pre-school moms throwing punches over the last Barbie backpack. No sir!

So all in all, I feel stuck in a limbo of sorts somewhere between summer and class. I have no idea what to do with myself within this time frame. Today I decided to use the time to sleep a lot. I slept in until 8:30, ate breakfast and then took an hour long mid-morning nap. Glorious! Then I decided to finally blog the thoughts that have been swimming around in my head for a week or so. Where she goes from here, no one knows. 

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