Monday, August 24, 2009

Stress Allergy and Paperless Notes

I found out last week that I am allergic to stress. I am completely and totally serious. I've been fighting some recurring red, flaky patches on my face that pop up when I get stressed out... so basically any time I'm in class or employed haha. Went to see the doc about it last week and he gave it a fancy name, "uticaria", *oooo ahhhhh* and then told me to start taking Claritin everyday. HA! And so, ladies and gentlemen (that's assuming more than one of each gender reads this), I give you me, the amazing allergic-to-stress girl! I suppose I needed to have something wrong with me, since everyone else in the world seems to take some sort of drug for some exotic sounding ailment that is probably no more exciting than my "condition". 

I am thinking I may try to go paperless and take my notes on my computer for PT school. I've got it set up in an app called Notebook. I saw a girl using it or something similar to take notes in my chemistry class two years ago. That program is really the only reason I wanted a Mac. It allows me to doodle on my notes still. HEY! My doodles are important doodles! I'm a visual learner and so it often helps to draw diagrams or pictures of the lecture topics. They often make more sense than my notes. It will be hard to get used to I think, but I've been playing with it a lot in order to make a smoother transition... hopefully. Now, if only my laptop case would arrive so I don't feel like I have to baby my laptop for fear of getting a scratch on it. 

I think that should probably be enough blah blah blah to fill up the required space. Ta-ta! 

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