Sunday, September 6, 2009

Facebook Stalkers

Here are the top people that Facebook-stalk me. (Ok, not necessarily "stalk" but "interact with my wall the most"

1. Kassia
2. Jeremy M.
3. Tink
4. Daniel M.
5. Cynthia L.
6. Rafe
7. Sarah Mc.
8. Hannah H.
9. Bridget
10. Lisa
11. Ashleigh A.
12. Joe Bob
13. Anthony
14. Jennifer C.
15. Kristin L.
16. Abigail W.
17. Clay
18. Stacey H.
19. Darren H.
20. William
21. Melissa Y.

--Are you honestly surprised about any of these?
yes! where is my fiance?! i think about 14 or 15 down are on there simply because they wished me a happy birthday last month and then replied to me when i asked about how they were doing.

→How did you meet 4?
HSU tennis

→How much does 6 mean to you?
love our random lunches!

→Describe 14 in three words.
friendly, terribly intelligent, wish she would have come to HSU!

→What is your most fond memory with 15?
something involving high school and a bunch of band nerds. lol

→Do you know all of 2's secrets?
no way! i barely know him really.

→If you could marry either 1 or 20, who would it be?
well, seeing as how 20 is male... but 1 said she loved me just yesterday (because i bought her food!)... its a toss up. lol

→How far do you think you are on 5's stalker list?
hmmm maybe mid range... but probably not.

→When is the next time you're going to see 7?
i have no idea. wish i could see her though!

→When is the last time you saw 17?
over a year ago. that may be fixed in the coming months at district apta meetings though! lol

→How do you think 13 feels about you?
annoying because i beat him at pool this week and he's supposed to be good! hahaha

→Are 11 and 12 anything like each other?
not really but they are both very friendly

→Describe the relationship between 14 and 20.
they are on this list together. other than that... OH! they both played tennis at one point in their lives, just not together. actually they were on opposing teams!

→Would you ever want to date 18?
well, darren married her, so she can't be so bad. lol

→What do you think 10's parents are like?
they're awesome!

--> Is 16 single?
i have no idea.

→If you had never met 8, how would your life be different?
with way fewer crazy facebook statuses to read lol

→If you could tell 9 one thing right now, what would it be?
your photography is freakin awesome and you will go far with it if you so choose to put in the effort to get yourself there.

→What is the funniest thing you've ever heard 19 do?
oh the hendrick stories. too many!

→How did you meet 15?
through mutual band nerd friends

→How did you come to be friends with 10?
HSU doubles partner for a semester or so a few years ago.

→If 3 died, would you be lost?
terribly! i would lose my cynic that keeps us all grounded!

→What is the weirdest thing you've ever seen 4 do?
geez, where do i begin? his coming to HSU and us even meeting is an odd ball story all in itself.

→What is 7's only weakness?
blonde. that describes her perfectly lol

→Are you friends with any of 19's friends?

→Do you think 16 and 8 would make a good couple?
well, seeing as how they're both female and straight, no. but if that wasn't an issue, i would say no; they're complete opposites.

→What is the most badass thing you've ever seen or heard 2 do?
he's renovating his house. that's a lot of work, especially while being in pharmacy school!

→What is the one thing 20 most exceeds at?
pumping iron

→If 1 and 2 hated each other, what would change?
nothing seeing has how i doubt they've met

→If 11 said to you that she/he loved 5, what would your response be?
i would ask her how alan felt about this.

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