Monday, October 5, 2009

PT school

Well, folks I have been in PT school for a little over a month now and this is the first instant I have had to write. Mostly I spend my time in class-- 8-5 Monday-Thursday-- or studying my brain to a sticky pulp. So saying, please forgive if I make no sense what so ever. The only reason I can write at this moment is that I am waiting for my practice patient--Greg-- to arrive so I can practice for the practical test I have tomorrow. I don't think it will be too hard, but the test is detailed. If I miss one tiny detail, there will be a massacre of red ink on my performance sheet.

In general, I enjoy what I'm learning. It is terribly interesting and I am finally learning practical skills. Hooray! No more principles and theories! Well, we're still looking at those but they are in the foundational sciences, which I enjoy immensely. Those will disappear from the curriculum soon, I believe.

I have no life outside of school, meaning no free time what so ever. It is very difficult to keep the few close friendships I have alive with the truncated time, much less make the new ones which I so desperately need in my class. *sigh* I suppose those will come naturally with time as we are forced to spend hours upon hours with each other during the day. Some of them even return to the classroom to study at night! I can 't do that; I have to leave that building for a little more than sleeping.

Well, I had better review my test materials before the subject arrives.

Say a prayer for me!

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