Thursday, June 3, 2010


Thought I'd write a bit.

Nothing too much happening of interest here. I'm taking musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiopulmonary intervention courses, in addition to a course in research which this semester is mostly statistics. We are finally learning how to treat things, so class has gotten immensely more exciting! Myself and my research group are doing some baseline work for the doctoral research we will be conducting. We will be looking at task tests which could possibly predict elderly that have problems climbing stairs. Being able to predict a person's ability to walk is important, because you would be hard pressed to find community buildings that don't have stairs either to get in/out of the building itself or stairs inside. True, most modern buildings have elevators on the inside, but what about the outside? What would happen if someone couldn't climb down the stairs and there was a fire that shut down the elevator? Doesn't sound good to me. So see, it is important. I'm pretty excited about it, because there is so little research done on the subject. We're pretty much pioneers. :-D

Beyond school, Greg has moved to the big city and started culinary school. He seems to enjoy it a lot a lot! I'm really excited for him, because he's finally found something that truly excites him that he can a living of. Between the miles and the nature of both our studies, we will not be seeing each other much. Both of our programs are very hands on and skill oriented, which takes lots of practice to get.

My housemate, Kassia, got engaged last weekend. I'm pumped, because we can wedding plan together now. :-)

I'm getting rather tired of hearing about the oil spill. Yeah, it's horrible, but everyone's moaning and groaning isn't going to get the fix in place any sooner. BP's practices were obviously slack for this to happen, and the government seems determined to make them pay for that. Let it go.

Wedding planning is coming along, although very little of it is what I really want. Oh well. At this point as long as we get married, I don't care if we get married in a field in potato sacks.

Alright, I need to get going with homework. Later!

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