Thursday, May 6, 2010

Long Time...

Woah, it has been a long time since I posted.

I am hanging on with school by the skin of my teeth. All I do is study... really. I might go out with my friends once on the weekend and once with Greg. That too is changing though...

Greg is starting culinary school in Dallas not this coming Monday, but the next so hanging with him on the weekend will probably be limited to once a month at best. :-( I'm sad to see him go because he won't be close enough for me to go cry all over when school gets me frustrated anymore. I am happy that he's finally found his calling and is pursuing said calling with gusto.

I recently got a Twitter account and added it to the side over there for the few random people that visit here. I will probably update that more than this simply because Twitter is a sentence, whilst this is a novel (with me anyway). Please don't go and ask me to follow you. I love you, friends, but there's only one person that I care enough about to care what they're doing or thinking every minute of every day and that'd be Greg. That's why I got one-- so we can keep tabs on each other since we'll be several hundred miles apart more days than not the not too distant future.

Well, until next year! ;-) Gosh, this time next year will look really different. I'll be married to the love of my life, I will reside in Dallas and I will be on my clinical rotations (that is if I can make it through the classroom part.)

Ok, really, I have things to do. Ta-ta!

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