Wednesday, October 6, 2010

America, Home of the Lazy?

Since when did America become filled with lazy, excuse my French as there is no other more adequate word, half-asses? I am so tired of meeting people I am trying to work with further than half way... more like three quarters of the way. I have a job to do, and I do my best. That does not mean 100% everyday, but I give it the best I can give according to my mental state at the time. Surely everyone can't be running at 50% capacity all the time or am I just so lucky as to meet everyone on their bad days... everyday? If I hear "I'm working on it," one more time, I may scream. I do not want your words; they are wasting precious time. I want your action!

Here's a good example. I only have Friday's off of my 8am-5pm class schedule which I am allowed to miss only upon death. I would like to use said off Friday to run errands, like go to the dentist, talk with the cake people for my wedding, etc. I cannot do these things, amongst many others, because these fine people are not open or available on any Friday.

Have you run into similar problems? Have a better example?

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