Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament Bill Becomes Law!

We Did It - LRA Bill Passes from INVISIBLE CHILDREN on Vimeo.

I just became aware that the bill to get Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army that is ravaging central Africa under control has become law! Hooray! Obama signed into law in late May.

We must not rest on our laurels though. After all, what does this law mean except, that every congressman or woman in Washington doesn't like what they hear about the current issues being faced by millions of central Africans? There's no real change in the situation in that. But there's more...

By signing the bill into law Obama must draft a statement in which he will outline his plans to make Joseph Kony's arrest and the disarmament of the LRA a reality. His statement is due in November. Let's face it; we all need a little coaxing sometimes. In order for the statement to be powerful enough to be translated into action, Congress members must be interested enough in the action outcomes to read Mr. Obama's proposal. This is where you come in.

2) Sign the pledge for yourself holding Mr. Obama accountable as we, the people will be watching and reading.
3) After you do that another page will pop up telling you that there are other things you can do. The most important is telling your Congressmen and women that this issue is important to you. The site suggests you sign up for a local lobby meeting. Personally, I don't have the time for that so, I scrolled to the bottom and clicked on write a letter under other ways.
4) When you click there, it will take you to a page with links so you can a. find out who you need to contact and b. gives you a sample letter, which you should copy.
5) What I did was I went to the Congress person's website (search to find who on the House and Senate sites, then clicked my Congress person's name) and clicked on contact on the person's website. That brings up a little form.
7) I a. filled in my info, b. pasted in the sample letter I copied from the how to write a letter page, c. hit submit and voila! My Congress people are now aware of how I feel and that information has been logged in their system.

It sounds tricky, but just keep clicking the links. It didn't take me more than 10 minutes for my 3 e-mails. It also sounds like a drop in the bucket. The Congress people's staff keep a running tally of how many messages-- e-mails, calls, letters-- they get on a particular topic. The ones with the most tally marks gets the Congress person's attention. So, the more people write or phone, the better change we have of getting an awesome statement of action from Mr. Obama, because more Congressmen and women will be reading his proposal.

Tell your friends!

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