Monday, October 4, 2010

Facebook Pet Peeves

1. It's so freaking addicting! The fact that it seems it is almost impossible to function in society without it. (I deactivated for a few months. They were very long months.) "I tried to invite you to my even on Facebook, but you've disappeared! OMG!!!!! You deactivated?! Traitor to man-kind! Off with her head!" Ok, not that bad, but still...

2. People I don't actually know friend requesting me.

3. People never responding to my wedding related event invites. I need info!

4. The news feed a. I don't want to see EVERYTHING about so-and-so. I do not care that both George and Sue friended Jane, whom I do not know. b. Facebook chooses the 100 people that are featured on your feed.

5. All the stupid ads, especially since I got engaged. "Are you pregnant?" No, I'm not. Thank you. "Want to lose weight for your wedding?" I am perfectly happy with my 6-10 size (depending on the day) self. And my favorite.... "Who are you going to marry? Call Madame so-and-so at 18005555555" Let's see... I think his name starts with a G and ends with a -reg. Maybe I should have my own hotline!

6. What he said.^^^^^^

What drives you most crazy about Facebook?

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