Thursday, March 10, 2011

Daily Challenge 3/10/11

List 5 traits, skills, or talents you're happy you have.

How To Do It
Maybe you like your hair, eyes or smile. Perhaps you're a great listener and have endless patience with your children. Do you have one mean green thumb, a show stopping jump shot or the uncanny ability to make others laugh? Or can you effortlessly navigate new cities, solve tough crosswords or make a delicious meal? Whatever you like about yourself, write it down. Go for it and don't hold back!

Why It Matters
We often don't take the time to consider what's special about ourselves. And it's are too easy to tear yourself down. But that sense of self-worth is all the stronger when we acknowledge the things we do well and the great qualities we have.

Fun Fact
"I'm OK, You're OK," the classic self-help book that promoted a deeper understanding of one's self as a way to improve personal relationships, was the United States' number-one bestseller in 1969.

Oh, I hate this interview question. Somewhere along the line Western culture told me it was wrong to "toot my own horn," so to speak, in public. However, I do think that line of thinking is somewhat of a detriment to our self-esteem. We tend to forget that we really are good at some things and just focus on the stuff we're not good at. So here's me, tooting my own horn: *honk, honk!*

Yeah, I'm awesome at:

1) listening
2) organizing/planning
3) digging my teeth into a problem or challenge and not letting go until it says uncle
4) watching what I spend
5) seeing the glass half full

What are your five awesome traits, skills or talents?

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