Friday, March 11, 2011

Daily Challenge 3/11/11

Drink a glass of water before yo get thirsty.

How To Do It
Drink a full glass of water today before you feel parched. Take this a step further and carry a reusable water bottle (preferably a metal or plastic BPA-free one) with you at all times, so you can takes swigs of H2O throughout the day.

Why It Matters
Thirst means that your body is already dehydrated (doesn't have enough fluid). Dehydration can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, headaches, poor mental performance and anxiety. It can also lead to food cravings because your body tries to extract water from food when it's not properly hydrated. Drinking water before you feel thirsty ensures that your body has the water it needs, so you can be at your physical and mental best.

Fun Fact
The average adult loses over 10 cups (close to 2.5 liters) of water per day from normal functions like sweating, breathing and eliminating waste.

-- from

Oh geez, I need this one. I blame the public education system for my perpetual dehydration. We weren't allowed to take any liquids into class with us and there was little time between classes to wait in line at the water fountains, thus I only drink a glass or so of something at meals or when working out. Since I've been busy with school, working out has been slim to none, so I get very little hydration period, much less actual water.

I'm trying to get in the habit of starting the day with a cup of tea... that's just dirty water, right? I just like the idea of tea, I suppose. It's neat. lol If that fun fact is true-- which, I bet it is-- I'm surprised I haven't landed myself in the hospital. MUST FIX THIS!!!!

(Drinking tea now....)

Maybe my new employer will let me drag around a water bottle. Something to ask on Monday.

On a slightly lighter note, I know for a fact that the food cravings is true. When I have a weight loss client--which is rather rare-- I always tell them to drink a full glass of water before eating anything at a meal. Often that alone makes you eat less!

On a completely unrelated note, my friend Jasmine's family lives in Japan, where the tsunami and earthquake are going on. The ones that live in Senai have gotten some of the worst--8.9 there. Jasmine and her state-side family haven't heard from the Senai family yet. Keep them in your prayers specifically as you pray for Japan, Hawaii and the rest of the Pacific Ring this morning.

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