Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Daily Challenge 3/8

Add a fresh lime or lemon to your shopping list.

How To Do It
The next time you're at the grocery store, head to the produce section and look for ripe lemons and limes that are bright in color, firm and heavy for their size. The ones with the thinner peels tend to be juicier. Later on, you can cook a meat or vegetable dish with lemon wedges instead of salt. Or add thin slices of lemon or lime to a pitcher of ice water for a refreshing drink. Fresh lemons and limes will keep in the refrigerator crisper for about four weeks, and you can freeze their juices.

Why It Matters
Lemons and limes are powerhouses of vitamin C and other antioxidants, which research has shown to associated with reducing inflammation and preventing heart disease. The tangy flavor of lemons and limes make a great salt substitute for people who are watching their salt intake. And a glass of sparkling water with lemon or lime slices is a delicious, zero-calorie, sugar-free drink.

Fun Fact
Your genes determine how sour you find the taste of a lemon or lime.

From: meyouhealth.com

I'm making fish 'n' chips on Thursday, so I'll put the lemon on the fish!

What are you doing with your lemon?

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