Monday, March 7, 2011

Daily Challenge 3/7/11

Write down one word that describes how you want your day to go.

How To Do It
Find a sticky note or piece of paper. Then write down one word that describes how you want your day to go, like "marvelous," "awesome," "empowered," or "persevering." Think of this as your positive affirmation. Place your word where you'll see it throughout the day -- next to your keyboard, in your wallet, or taped to your bathroom mirror.

Why It Matters
Writing down one word each day bring clarity and focus to how your day will unfold. Deciding what kind of day you'll have will also empower you to create the day you want. It's believed that people who look on the bright side and take control of their lives (emotions included) tend to be healthier.

Fun Fact
"Strengths" is the longest word in the English language with only one vowel.

My word of the day: productive

That's my word because I HAVE to get some unpacking done today!

What's your word of the day and why did you pick that one?

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