Sunday, March 6, 2011

Today's Challenge

Well, I made it to The Big City. Haven't done much of anything today, except relax. It has been glorious. Probably need to go unpack some stuff in a little bit, but thought I would indulge myself in the daily challenge first.

Daily Challenge 3/6/11

Give yourself a foot massage.

How To Do It
Sit in a comfortable chair and place the arch of your foot on top of a tennis ball. Add more weight to your foot and allow the ball to press into your arch. Slowly move your foot and let the tennis ball roll to massage your entire foot, from heel to toe. Continue for about a minute and switch feet. If you don't have a tennis ball, make a fist and use your knuckles to knead the soles of your feet. Press with rotating motions that are firm but gentle.

Why It Matters
Massage is great for relaxation and offers health benefits that can alleviate pain, increase flexibility, improve circulation, stretch weak and tight muscles, and reduce cramps.

Fun Fact
The oldest known book written about massage in Cong-Fu, or the Toa-Tse. It was written in China and dates back to 3000 B.C.

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