Saturday, March 5, 2011

Daily Challenge

Hi! I am alive! Really! I have a life again, because I just finished my class part of physical therapy school! Just 8 months of clinical rotations left and I'll have my Doctor of Physical Therapy in the bag. :-D

I ran across a site this morning in my web browsing while I wait for my wonderful husband to wake up--Oh yes, I've gotten married since the last I posted too-- so we can finish packing (oh annnnddd I'm moving to The Big City today. Can you keep up with my life changes? I'm having a hard time myself!) Anyway, the site sends you a "Daily Challenge" related to emotional health, basic access to health care, work environment, physical health and healthy behaviors. It seems really simple, so I thought I'd give it a try. It wants you to do the little challenge, then share it with others. Here's me sharing with the world.

Daily Challenge-- Saturday, March 5, 2011

Write down 5 activities that make you happy.

How to do it

Whether browsing the bookstore's new arrivals or planting your favorite flowers, no activity is too small or too silly to be on your happiness list. Next, make a date with yourself to do a favorite activity this week. You may want to put your list on the fridge or bathroom mirror as a daily reminder.

Why it matters

Research shows that you can learn to be happier and more satisfied with your life, even if you're not someone who usually looks on the bright side. Your genes influence about 50% of your personal happiness (meaning you inherited your tendency to see the glass half-full or half-empty). Life circumstances (like where you live or the size of your bank account) affect another 10%. That means the other 40% is yours to shape!

Fun Fact

The phrase "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" comes from the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

My 5 Happy Activities:

1) being outdoors-- hiking/walking, gardening, tennis, etc. ad naseum

2) reading a novel of my choosing

3) spending time with Greg

4) spending time with my girls

5) going to church

What are your 5 happy activities?

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