Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Love YOUR Life

I've recently begun reading the Zenhabits: Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly blog. I read this post today.

I do that a TON with Facebook. I recall my saying just this past week, that I wish I had the time and space to plant a garden like so-and-so because I saw a picture of the garden on FB. I took myself off FB last summer for this very reason. I was stuck in a classroom and I couldn't bear to see everyone else's pictures and status updates of their fantastic summer adventures.

Got me to thinking... what do I love about my life right now? Here's my list of 10.

1) Obviously, I love my husband and finally getting to be married. :-)
2) I really do love our apartment. It's about the right size, has great lighting and it's decent but not ridiculously expensive. Also, I've had fun decorating my own space for the first time.
3) I love my little window box garden. It's not much, but I'm proud of myself for raising some flowers.
4) I love my tennis class that I started last week. Everyone is very friendly and we have fun!
5) I love that we live close to a nature preserve with natural trails that I can walk or run whenever I feel like.
6) I love that I can read for pleasure now and that I have a wonderful library only about 5 minutes away where I can pick up just about anything my heart desires.
7) I love that my schedule isn't filled up with lots of activities all the time right now. I've really needed some slow down time.
8) I love that I have my old friends on speed dial, even though they do not live near anymore and that no matter how much or little we talk, I always feel like we pick up right where we left off.
9) I love that my family expects me to call them once a week. Makes me feel loved.
10) I also love our new church. The pastor is fantastic and the people are very friendly. Can't wait to jump into a small group in the fall!

Self affirmation: I LOVE my life!

What 10 things do you love about your life in this very moment?

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