Sunday, March 13, 2011

Activity Log

Sorry, I'm going to be using this to track my fitness activities as well starting now. Perhaps you might find inspiration to get yourself in gear and in shape too!

1) Vacuuming the apartment
Intensity (0-10): 3
Time: 35 mins
Comments: Did break a sweat. Did serious spring cleaning vacuuming, as in on hands and knees and tip toes getting corners, hidden dust bunnies and cob webs.

2) Planting wildflowers in a window box
Intensity: 2
Time: 15 mins
Comments: Had to lift and transport 10-15 lb. bag of soil from car, up stairs and down again. Then actually planting the seeds required lifting the bag again. Then had to install planter on railing with Greg's help.

Today's total time: 50 mins
Today's average intensity: 2.5
Comments: Good to get some activity in, but need to increase the intensity.

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