Monday, July 18, 2011

The Great Phone Migration

Well, the dinosaur is dying. That's what I call my decrepit phone from the dark ages. (It's... 5 years old and was the free with new contract phone at the time, so it wasn't tops in technology then either.) It won't hold a charge and make 30 minutes worth of phone call for more than 24 hours these days. I've gotten to where I just leave it at home, because it's rather worthless.

So, I'm getting a new phone!

Everyone is saying and I quote my former professor, Doctora Taylor, "You're wasting your money unless you get an iPhone."

I'm scared of the iPhone.

1) It's got lots of bells and whistles that my lil Dino doesn't have... like smart texting and the internet ooooo ahhhhh! Poor Dino barely texts period.
2) I don't want to be a phone addict that can't just sit and be quiet for a few minutes without the phone or some other form of entertainment. Enjoying stillness and silence is a lost art.
3) I've never actually paid for the phone device itself in my whole life and this thing is quickly adding up. The phone itself will be $50, then the Otterbox case I want so that I can still beat up my phone will be $35, plus shipping because I want a weird color. (The case on the Dinosaur was literally bullet proof... which is why my phone has lasted so long. The case died about a year ago.) Then the apps I want will be about $15. Then the dash board mount so I can use it as a GPS will be $30. Then the screen film... that's like another $15. So that brings the phone total to $145 before shipping and taxes. I thought I was getting fancy when I spent $30 on the case for the Dinosaur!
4) I've had the same number for almost 10 years and I'm going to have to give it up. Long story, no way around it, just mourn with me and remember to ask me for my new number if you want it. Whenever I get the phone... may take a few weeks.

Just now I went through all the phone numbers I've stored in my phone in the past 5 years. Probably a quarter of them I had no idea who the number belonged to. Oh yes, the name was there, but I have no idea who that person is. Oops. Sorry, I'm bad with names. (If I've ever seemed to ignore you in a public place, it's probably because your name has slipped my mind and I don't want to do the awkward, "Hey.... you..." greeting.) Of the probably several hundred numbers in my phone, I will be transferring 36 numbers. I always have to reenter numbers when I go to a new phone, because my phone is always too old for the transfer equipment. Or at least it was when I migrated to the Dinosaur and the phone before the Dinosaur (Primordial Goo?) was only 2 years old!

All that to say, Dinosaur and I have been through a lot together. Anyone know of a decent phone funeral parlor? *sniff, sniff*

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