Monday, July 25, 2011

Thought Throw Up

My thoughts this evening that won't leave my head. I'm writing them down here so they feel like they've been heard and can go away. Then I'll be able to sleep.

Enjoyed dancing this evening. Will probably do it more often. Enjoyed walking last evening. Will probably do it more often. Enjoy being active. NEED to do it more often.

I need a new phone... pronto.

I'm excited about going to see the fam this weekend.

I hate hangnails.

I can't decide if I'm an optimist or a glutton for disappointment, as I continue to check the weather forecast everyday.

Am I strange for not giving a flying crap about what the celebrities are up to? They don't care about me, so why should I them? Same as with the news... I generally like to keep up with the news, but lately I'm thinking I might be a happier person in general if I wasn't privy to every soldier that gets blown up or child that's starved to death in Africa. Or is that more self-centered than strange? Is it enough to keep up with my friends? Shoot, half of them I don't care to keep up with either... sorry... this is why I detest Twitter. I don't need to know when my best friend from second grade leaves her house in Australia every morning.

And I just learned that I've been misspelling Australia my whole life. Awesome.

I love Puma socks for working out and Smartwool for work and hiking.

I've felt a little odd today. I think I know what it is. I don't like it. And I'm not telling, because I don't like my personal medical history all over the internet.

Ok, I'm done with the thought throw up. :-)

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