Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Crowd Tap


I've joined CrowdTap. To be completely honest, I'm still not 100% sure what exactly it is, but I saw a newspaper article on it saying it was the next big, up and coming social networking thing. *shrugs* Anyway, what you do is discuss products via polls, discussion boards, etc. to start off. You earn points by participating. As you participate you are invited to to participate in more and more things, which supposedly will eventually be getting free sample stuff. I like free stuff! Then with the points, when you get a certain amount, you can trade them in for gift cards to select retailers. The only one currently available to me that I'm interested in is Amazon, but I love to read and you can get other cool stuff on Amazon too. Also along with the points you earn, you earn a cash donation to a charity organization that you get to pick from amongst those that are participating. I picked Invisible Children, because they rock. So I'm in. Are you?

Ok ok. If you join, I get some points. There I said it. Be a pal to me, a charity and yourself, just check it out.


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