Friday, January 27, 2012

New Adventures

Just a little note to those that care about our new adventures in the Rio Grande Valley.

The move was successful. You never realize just how much junk you have until you have to move it. Luckily for us, my new employer agreed to pay for movers! Praise God! So we've got all our junk in the house, now we just gotta put it where it belongs... that's the hard part. So we've been unpacking and putting away for days now. Ugh. The house is still a wreck and I find myself wishing I were a witch in the world of Harry Potter. Then I could just wave my wand and all the stuff would go exactly where I want it without any effort. Oh well... back to reality and the mess... in a little bit. :-)

We also have a new addition to our little family-- a kitten. Her name is Hazel, and she's pretty much adorable. She is such a huge cuddle bug. She sometimes gets upset at us when we're not holding her, so she'll mew until we pick her up or just climb up our bodies to our arms. Haha. I'm also thinking she may be part parrot, because she enjoys perching on our shoulders too. She's a little under the weather at the moment. Not to worry though. We've been to the vet twice now. ("Yikes!" squeals the wallet!) She'll be fine in about a week says vet. Her nose is just all stopped up right now, so she can't smell where her food, water or litterbox are! We have to remind her a few times a day. lol

The city seems wonderful so far. Or maybe it's a town? I don't know. It's population is about half the size of our hometown, but it has just grown by two! According to the vet today by way of Greg, it was rated as the most economical city in the U.S. last year, meaning we'll be getting more bang for our buck on average. For example, I went and got my hair cut yesterday. Eleven bucks for a wash and cut. I haven't had a hair cut that cheap since I was a kid! That's a lot better than the nearly fifty bucks I was paying in Dallas. Given the Dallas place was kinda spa like, and this place was more barber shop than anything. But still, that's a considerable chunk of change. Maybe I'll actually be able to afford to get my hair cut every 4-6 weeks like I'm supposed to now!

Today's predicted high was 84... in January... I'm ok with this. I've worn shorts the past 2 days. Also, we have a palm tree in our front yard. A PALM TREE! We seem to have some pretty awesome neighbors too. According to them, we've found the medical 'hood. They are both dentists. They invited us to their beach house today, but we couldn't go because Hazel had to go to the vet, then the internet guy showed up and the landlord... BUT we're thinking we may hang with them tomorrow night at a painting class. This could get interesting, since the only B I ever made in high school was in art class. haha. Oh well, I'll just call it "modern art." That should cover just about any piece of junk I create. Obviously that philosophy didn't fly in high school art, but that will have to fly in this house! Also, we've joined the 21st century! We got real cable and a DVR. I've rarely had cable in my life and definitely never had a DVR. That's a cool gizmo! Still trying to figure it out. I may try to set it to record NCIS for me every week. Hehe

Hopefully get to start the new job on Monday. My temporary license hadn't shown up in the mail last I checked. Can't start without it. We will see. If the job is as awesome as the local digs, I think I'll be set! Now then, if Mr. Gregory could just find a job. Say a prayer for that one!

Well, I need to go put a few more things away before I hit the sack. Later y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Your cat sounds like a certain baby I once knew. Crying until someone picked her up and liked to cuddle. sounds very familiar! Bet you can't guess who this is!
