Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Turtle Boy: A Book Review

The Turtle Boy (Timmy Quinn #1)The Turtle Boy by Kealan Patrick Burke
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Short novella that is creep-tastic. Not going to lie, I was so engrossed that I did a lot of skimming. Basically, you've got a ghost story that leaves a nasty cliff hanger. Probably won't read the rest of the series for the same reason I don't watch ghost movies/shows: I truly believe in ghosts and figure the dead would prefer to be left alone, whether real or fictitious. Didn't realize I had a ghost story in my hands when I picked it up, otherwise would have left it alone. But anyway, if ghost stories are up your alley, I suppose this one's good as it kept me riveted for for the 2 hours it took me to get through it. But like I said, I don't have anything within the ghost genre to compare it to, as I don't make a habit of reading such material.

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