Saturday, June 30, 2012

Secondhand Jesus: Trading Rumors of God for a Firsthand Faith: A Book Review

Secondhand Jesus: Trading Rumors of God for a Firsthand FaithSecondhand Jesus: Trading Rumors of God for a Firsthand Faith by Glenn Packiam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I usually don't take this long to read a book. According to Amazon, this one is only 225 pages or so. I took a long time with this one because, it really made my Christian skin crawl--in a good way-- and could only read it in small bits. I needed time to process and digest. This book is about what the author calls "rumors of God." Basically little bits of half truths that slither their way into a Christians faith unseen as they do hold a nugget of truth. Most of the points the author made I was aware of; however, I was not aware that they had creeped into my own faith life! I picked this ebook up for free from Inspired Reads and had been feeling that little persistent nudging in the back of my mind ever since I "purchased" it. Now I know why. The main theme of the book is that we as Christians need to encounter God on a personal level and not rely on others to "do the heavy spiritual lifting" for us. We need to get down and dirty and wrestle with God like Israel. I guess that's what God's been trying to beat in my head these past several months and my and hubby's search for a church in our new town; I needed to get my personal interaction with God straight before I could properly participate in a church. Ok, God, I gotcha, loud and clear.

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