Thursday, July 5, 2012

Spirit Horses: A Book Review

Spirit HorsesSpirit Horses by Alan S. Evans
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a tear jerker, so mascara, beware. The story is fairly well written. The e-book version I read was annoying at times. The paragraphs sometimes weren't indented, the type set would go whonky sometimes too and often places where there should have been some decent white space to indicate a change in time and place there was nothing... not even an indented paragraph to indicate the shift before you jumped into another setting entirely. This was rather distracting from a decent story line, so I took away a star for that. So really, the story itself is a 4 star. Not life changing, but I did connect pretty well with the main character. The rest of the characters, not so much. They could have used some more developing. Perhaps the author was going for the "mysterious Indian" character... with all the Indians, but it came across more as "these characters don't really matter." Would have loved some more description of the landscape, as it was continually described as beautiful, but not much detail was given to make it come alive for me. The Indian lore was pretty interesting. Was rather disappointed to find in the end that it was all made up. Guess I'd rather have read the disclaimer at the beginning rather than the end. Overall, a good story and not a bad read to keep you company on a long car ride or plane trip.

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