Monday, June 4, 2012

Skywalker: Close Encounters on the Appalachian Trail: A Book Review

Skywalker: Close Encounters on the Appalachian TrailSkywalker: Close Encounters on the Appalachian Trail by Bill  Walker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Not a literary masterpiece by any means, this book did what I yearned for it to: bring me back to place that holds a special place in my heart-- the Appalachian Trail. This is the tale of "Skywalker" a thru-hiker class of 2005. A true novice, the reader watches sometimes with eyes closed and a grimace as the author figuratively and literally stumbles along learning about long distance hiking. From learning to pick out the gear to summiting Mount Katahdin, Skywalker does all 2,174 miles and the reader gets to cheer him on through the whole wonderful adventure. Perhaps I too will one day get to be a 2,000 miler. *sigh*

View all my reviews

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