Monday, August 13, 2012

A Spanish Joke

Me (very excited): Guess what I did today!
Greg: What?
Me: I used a Spanish idiom in conversation! Now if only I could tell a Spanish joke...
Greg: I've got a Spanish joke for you... the Mexican police.

Ok, but really, if you can make idioms and tell jokes in a second language, you're doing pretty good. I'm trying to learn some idioms, but it's hard because they are pretty much straight up memorization, because their literal translations often make no sense in English. (My memorizer was broken by grad school.) I've got a few in my Anki deck. One of them yesterday was labeled a "leech." Apparently I had clicked that I didn't know what it was one too many times and so the program automatically takes it out of the deck because it's "too hard" for me. Shucks.

I used to subscribe to a "Spanish idiom of the day" little widget thing for my Facebook many moons ago when you could still put widgets on your Facebook. The website I got it from no longer does this service and it seems no one else has picked it up. If you just Google "Spanish idioms" you'll get several large lists of phrases. The only one I found with English translations AND an example sentence is at StudySpanish. (Another pay required site, except, kind of like Rosetta they make you buy this huge software. No thanks. That's why I never mentioned it. Although they do have a "word of the day" with an English translation for use on your Anki deck here.) And here is a list of some cute, yet clean jokes/chistes in Spanish. Now we'll be so clever!

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