Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell: A Book Review

The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell (Cat Who..., #28)The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell by Lilian Jackson Braun
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I am truly disappointed in this book. The Cat Who... series has been a go to series for me for about 12 years now. Whenever I need an easy, yet entertaining read, I turn to Braun's cat tales. But this one fell sorely short of the rest of series, I felt. First of all, nothing really happened. Some random character the reader has no emotional connection to dies fairly early on. Then there is no true investigation into the murder, like other titles in the series. Then a tragic accident kills another character... that if you've read other titles in the series you might have a vague connection to. Again, no investigation into this accident. Then the big "bombshell" happens when you've only got a few pages left: an old couple dies suspiciously. Yes, they arrest someone, but there's not really any investigation into it by Qwill, Koko and Yum Yum, unless you count being nosy by calling the newsroom for the scoop before print. The reader is left hanging as to what really happened in all three of these situations. Isn't a good part of a mystery novel supposed to be about unraveling the mystery? Call me crazy... Then the author's "post script;" what was that? Is Braun dropping her own bombshell saying that this is the last of the Cat Who... and that she's now going to write for Broadway? I hope not, because this a terrible ending to a great series. I don't recommend this book to anyone, whether fans of the series or newbies to the series. It doesn't hold a flame to the rest of the Cat Who... series.

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