Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Poor Bastard's Guide to Learning Spanish: A Freebie E-book Review

The Poor Bastard's Guide to Learning SpanishThe Poor Bastard's Guide to Learning Spanish by Ramses Oudt
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Picked up this free e-book from the author of my favorite language learning blog, Ramses of The Language Dojo. Having followed his blog for a bit now, a lot of this stuff I knew already; however, there were some useful things I picked up here in the book that I hadn't come across yet in the blog. The most predominate in my mind was a Spanish language Netflix, basically. Anyway, a good starting point for anyone wanting to get a crash course into home immersion language learning. He's got more details at his blog and links galore to other bloggers doing similar ideas. (I like the Everyday Language Learner too. Just started following that one.) P.S.-- This method can work for any language, not just Spanish. The Language Dojo isn't just about Spanish either. He's heading into German next!

View all my reviews

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