Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gods, Gachupines and Gringos: A People's History of Mexico: A Book Review

Gods, Gachupines and Gringos: A People's History of MexicoGods, Gachupines and Gringos: A People's History of Mexico by Richard Grabman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a bit of a back burner book for me. I don't usually read multiple books at once, so I started this one, then found something else I "needed" to read on a time schedule as they were library loaners and put this one on the back burner. It was ok. This book mostly highlights the political plays of Mexico's history... which is actually more entertaining than it sounds. The author must have sucked all the entertaining moments out of Mexican political history. I generally don't like reading politics-- all the names get confusing-- but there were some legitimate hilarious moments in here and they weren't few and far between! That being said, I was really look for something more focused on the culture aspects of Mexico. Not to say politics don't have a say in culture and vice versa, but there were maybe 2 or 3 chapters that really delved into the culture. At least it wasn't textbook dry! Probably the only reason I could stomach this and finish it!

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