Friday, January 6, 2012

Update: Reading the Bible

This post is a follow up... like the "Update" episodes on the Maury show. (Yes, I enjoy watching humanity collapse occasionally just as much as the next person.) Remember how I posted about the Bible without chapters, verses and headings basically forever ago... update!

I know it's only been 6 days since the start of the year and thus, my new adventure reading the Bible through. I actually only started reading yesterday ... *sheepish grin* but I just had to tell you...

I am LOVING reading this version-- The Books of the Bible-- so much! I'm noticing things that I had never noticed before. For instance, while the animals did come "two by two" to the ark, not all the creatures only have two members aboard. Noah took SEVEN pairs of all clean animals and birds! I had never noticed that. I also find myself not flipping ahead so much thinking in my head, "When is this reading going to end?!" I think this is because it's reading more like a story than little blurbs.

Ok, I'm done, but really... do yourself a favor if you've been thinking about seriously reading a decent chunk of Bible. It is ten times more enjoyable with this version. It's only $8 plus shipping. Come on now... even I can afford that for my own spiritual growth!

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